A commitment to sustainable community development.
Dow is committed to supporting Indonesian government program to addressing the community’s most pressing challenges in water and sanitation, basic education, descent housing, circular economy and economic wellbeing in sustainable manners. Dow CSR strategy for Indonesia embodies values of sustainability, inclusion and diversity that embraces and empowers both community and employee to bring values, share good practices in developing the society in a sustainable manner while aligning with Indonesian government MDGs goals, policies and development pillars.
Dow's strong commitment to developing Indonesia’s society has been exercised through the implementation of a number of corporate social responsibility programs to communities in Jakarta, Cilegon, Medan and Surabaya.
Providing Access to Clean Water: empowering community and changing behavior for healthier and better rural economy
Water is essential to life, and clean water is essential to health. Where there is no access to clean drinking water, people are stricken with deadly diseases. Available access to clean water encourages behavior changes to more hygiene and healthier. This change of behavior reduces deseases
Dow Water Signature Program in Cilegon that was kicked off in 2013 has been benefiting 6 villages with more than 800 families.
By providing sustainable access to water, Dow Indonesia is helping community improve health and at the same time creating opportunities for the community. Our efforts with the right partner help prevent the spreading of infectious diseases, improve health condition, reduce spending on medication, allow more savings, and contribute to rural economic growth.
In the past five years, Dow Indonesia has been helping marginalized community to get access to clean water in Cilegon, Medan and Surabaya.

Building Homes for the Needy – A Partnership with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia
In the past seven years Dow Indonesia has been partnering with Habitat for Humanity to help make dreams come true for families in need for descent houses and water sanitation facilities in three different provinces in Indonesia, i.e. North Sumatra, Jakarta, East Java, and Banten. 27 houses have been built for 27 families. 70 water filtration and water sanitation facilities were made available and have been benefiting more than 500 families in the target locations. Dow’s commitment to bring values to communities in Indonesia continues today and tomorrow.

Sharing Best Practices in EHS: Building awareness, changing behavior for sustainable community
Aligning with the Indonesian Government priority development program in public health and translating our safety values into real actions in the community, in past five years Dow Indonesia has been sharing EHS best practices to marginalized communities in different locations in the country.
EHS Education and Medical Check up for Fishing Community
Dow Manufacturing site in Cilegon, partnering with local government health agency, medical schools and NGO Partner initiated a basic medical check up that came along with EHS education and campaign to 180 fishermen in 2 villages in Cilegon, Banten Province. The program engaged 19 site EHS expert and volunteers. Awareness of both safety and health risks among the target fishing community was very low before the intervention. The program helped build awareness of the risks and educate the community on best practices to mitigate risks as well as measures to prevent injuries with better safety gear.

Handwashing Campaign: Educating & Changing Behavior of Marginalised Students
Indonesia Ministry of Health explained that one of major causes of diarrhea cases in Indonesia has been the unhealthy handwashing habits.
In Dow, safety and health is our number one priority. Translating our commitment to supporting the Government’s program for healthier society, Dow Indonesia in partnership with YCAB Foundation organized a handwashing campaign in Indonesia, to promote healthy behavior and habit. The local campaign is called “Generasi Tangan Bersih” – Clean Hands Generation. This program aimed at educating underprivileged students of the importance of washing hands according to WHO standard.
The program was delivered through offline and online campaign, reaching to more than 450 underprivileged students in 4 YCAB Learning Centers in Java, Bali, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. This program was able to increase awareness and knowledge of proper handwashing by 87 percent.

Pallet Waste Recycling: a small step towards Circular Economy
Aligning with the Government’s priority in shifting from linear economy to circular economy for a sustainable community, Dow Indonesia piloted a pallet recycling project in partnership with NGO Partner Rekonvasi Bhumi in Cilegon, Banten Province. Taking the input from the neighboring community and employees of the manufacturing sites, as well as local government agencies, a recycling workshop was established in 2017 to train and educate unemployed youth to produce creative products such as furniture, home decorations and toys from pallet waste collected from manufacturing sites in Cilegon area.

Engaging Employees with the The Special Olympics Athletes: Inclusion and Diversity in Action
In the past three years, Dow has been supporting Special Olympics Indonesia (SOIna) with the proceed from the annual SEA Charity Challenge. With the proceed from this charity fundraising that involves Dow partners, customers and employees, we were able to co-sponsor Indonesia special athletes to joining the World Special Olympics Games in USA (2015), conducting physical wellness education and workshop (2016) and the recent unified football and bocce games in Jakarta.